Monday, 3 November 2008

Simon Cowell discarded by partner - American singles, watch out.

Bedlam Post.

Can this be true? American singles watch out if it is. If he's loose and free, YOU might be his next target ...

Simon Cowell has apparently said he’s relieved after being discarded by his partner of six years. The 49-year-old music entrepreneur reportedly said, 'Thank God' after TV presenter Terri Seymour said it was over.

'She has been a weight around his neck for a long time,' said a friend.

Has she? Sounds like a whole bag-full of sour-grapes to me. Haven't we all claimed the same at some time or other to save face? I can hardly see Simon Cowell being backward at coming forward if he wanted to end the affair. His outspoken approach is infamous.

Mind you, he does seem to have taken rather a fancy to the voluptuous Spanish contender for the crown... So maybe it might not be an American single he's looking for....

Whatever, I think it's horrible to hang your dirty washing in public. I hope Terri Seymour makes a million out of it. I wish her well.


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End of post - Simon Cowell discarded by partner. American singles watch out.

Anthony James Barnett - author of Without Reproach.

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