Friday, 7 November 2008

Miserable? Then let's have a smart meal out.

Bedlam Review.







Smart meal out.

Whenever I feel disjointed,or miserable, or too 'can't be bothered to even pass wind', I treat myself to a really smart meal out.

A great meal is guaranteed to lift my spiirits.

One top-of-the-list restaurant, which gives me the feel-good factor, is The Puerto Blanco Restaurant at Calpe.

Look at the picture .... See what I mean! And the food .... Out of this world.

Fancy joining me?


How To Describe - Mastering Descriptive Writing
To Write A Story - 20 Ways To Write A Story Better
Story Characters - 7 Cool Ways To Jump-Start Your Writing

End of - Miserable? Then let's have a smart meal out.

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