Monday, 9 March 2009

Knickers in cars

Bedlam Post - Who's knickers are in YOUR car?

Real Costa Blanca - Exploring The Real Spain
Lens Coating - What Everybody Ought To Know
Writing Story Dialogue - 12 Cool Secrets

What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever left in a car when you've sold it, or sent it for servicing?

According to the RAC some VERY strange things turn up in cars including knickers and wedding dresses.... I wonder if they were in the same car?

Knickers, knickers everywhere...

I only hope the knickers in the car belonged to one of the owners or some lengthy explanations might be required....

Take a look at the blog post Knickers in cars to see what I mean.


How To Describe - Mastering Descriptive Writing
To Write A Story - 20 Ways To Write A Story Better
Story Characters - 7 Cool Ways To Jump-Start Your Writing

End of post on Bedlam - Knickers in cars

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