Friday, 27 March 2009

American Idol and Simon Cowell

Bedlam Viewpoint.

Simon, Simon, what is your problem? What's happened to your integrity, where's your Great British Cool?

Simon Cowell, American Idol destroyer.

I've always thought of Simon Cowel as being a straight talker. He shoots from the hip, his words destroy. He's become the scurge of unprofessional singers on shows such as American Idol and Britain's X-Factor.

Simon Cowell, unprofessional

However, on this week's American Idol, Simon Cowell became unprofessional himself. Simon behaved like a disruptive child in class - even drawing on Paula Abdul's face with crayon. He pratted around with Paula like a naughty schoolboy. In my own schooldays he would have felt the sharp rap of a cane across his knuckles from an irate teacher - I wonder what he was actually like in class? I suspect from last night's antics, he might have been a spoiled brat.

Simon Cowell, disrespect

Simon Cowell normally comes across as the ultimate professional, but not last night. He brought disrespect to American Idol. If he wants to behave like an idiot, he should wait until after the show, wait until the cameras have stopped rolling.

Simon, you of all people should know, you not only need to BE professional, you need to SHOW you're professional - or do you think you're now above it all...

You're going to lose credibility the way you're performing with Paula Abdul. If you want your 'end' away with her, fine - just do your pratting around off-air.

End of post on Bedlam - American Idol and Simon Cowell

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