Monday, 8 December 2008

Japanese polar bear mix up

Bedlam Post


Specialists were perplexed by the lack of ardour between Tsuyoshi, a polar bear named after a popular male Japanese baseball player, and a female bear called Kurumi.

Following six months of living together at Kushiro Zoo in the Japanes northern island of Hokkaido, zookeepers were puzzled that there had been no passionate goings-on between the pair.

Polar Bear hair

In the end, Tsuyoshi was put under anaesthetic in order to undergo a check up to see if the gender bits were all in working order …. and after conducting DNA tests on the polar bear's hair, zookeepers were astounded to be informed that he was in fact a she.

I must say it’s understandable. I wouldn’t want to investigate to see whether things were dangling properly. I can’t see a polar bear being too pleased to have its vital bits toyed with…. And just HOW do you see through all that white-stuff….

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