Manual worker?
Missy Quinn is the rather odd name of a 16-year-old girl, who lives in a caravan. Her parents are quaintly called "travellers" – when we were kids we used to call them “Irish Tinkers” or “Gypsies” . Her father has a job surfacing driveways. Missy has just got married. Now here’s the REALLY odd thing – the wedding cost a massive £100,000 – all paid for by her father.
Simon Quinn, 35, paid £16,000 for his daughter’s wedding dress, which came with a train 10ft long and so weighty it took ten people to help her out of the Rolls Royce that carried her to church.
Worth it
In total, the wedding cost five times as much as the average UK affair. Mr Quinn was adamant that the expenditure was worth it and added: "I'm very proud of her today."
What I want to know is how the hell does a 35 year old manual worker amass so much money that he can shell out £100,000 for just a wedding? I’ve obviously been doing something drastically wrong.
Anyone got a shovel….
- Next post, Finish writing.
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End of - Caravan dweller's £100,000 wedding
Anthony James Barnett - author of Without Reproach.
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