Prince Harry
What a load of balls! Paki friend - Racist remarks - rubbish. The latest from the PC element - and those trying to jump on the bandwagon, is to bash Prince Harry.
A statement from St James's Palace said he used the word three years ago as a nickname for a friend and without malice.
Paki friend
The 24-year-old Prince was caught on video using the term about an Asian colleague in the Army. The Prince, who is third in line to the throne, called the soldier "our little Paki friend".
He was a Paki friend - surely it's only a shortened word, like Brit. What about the Aussies calling us, Poms... or the Yanks calling us Limeys. Has the world gone MAD? The only thing likely to come out of it it is to alienate people against having a Paki friend.
What the HELL is wrong! He was a friend - we ALL say daft things to friends - I've had some really strange nicknames - one fella I knew a few years ago was nicknamed 'Sid Snot', another, 'Cockroach', another, 'Red'. These bloody PC people get on my nerves. They're all trying to make something out of nothing - for what? For their OWN benefit. They're all searching for a couple of minutes of fame for themselves - get on the TV, have a photo in the newspapers, a few words on the radio.
The whole thing pisses me off. Most parents would be dead pleased if that was the ONLY thing their kids did wrong. He should be held up to the media as a nice lad. If he was my son, I'd be proud of the way he's turned out. Minor misdemeanour in private company - nothing else. Leave the lad alone.
Get a f***ing life....
- Next post on Bedlam.
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End of post - Prince Harry's gaff - My Paki friend...
What do ye English want. Princess Diana was praised because she mingled with ordinary ppl Harry tries to do the same and he is taped. If he was an ordinary Joe it wouldnt matter. He should learn from his father and his brother to keep his distance. That way he wont get into trouble. Cos most ppl nowadays are anti monarchy. An Irishwoman s view
totally agree
Calling somebody "paki" IS racist. I just love the hypocrisy and ignorance of white guys who will NEVER be subjected to insulting names.
Funny thing is, you don't know what "PC" means. Your parents hardly had the brains, it seems, to teach you how to respect your fellow man.
P.S. That picture of Harry Windsor and his gold-digging girlfriend is very interesting. It's known that HER shady family calls Africans "darkies".
Anonymous, if you'll take the time to read and understand the post, you'll see that we ALL have insulting remarks poured on us - most people just don't make an issue of it.
As a race, the British have been called Brits, Whinging Poms, Limey Bastards, Red Necks.
Far more insulting than Paki. Paki is no worse than calling British, Brit or Scottish, Scot. It's just a shortened word.
It's HOW a word is used that's the problem. If you mean people have been bullied, then that's a different issue. Bullying of ALL kinds should be stamped out.
Don't think bullying is only levelled at a particular race. Bullying is evil in any form.
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