Saturday, 31 January 2009

Turning water into wine....

Bedlam Humour

Real Costa Blanca - Exploring The Real Spain
Lens Coating - What Everybody Ought To Know
Writing Story Dialogue - 12 Cool Secrets

I'm grateful to my friend John Evans for sending me these pearls of wisdom. I thought you might like to share them.

To my friends

To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine...and those who don't. Ben Franklin once said, "In wine, there is wisdom, in beer, there is freedom, in water there is bacteria."

In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink just ONE litre of water each day, at the end of the year we will have absorbed more that a kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - the bacteria found in faeces.

It would seem when drinking water we are consuming a kilo of shit.

However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine and beer (or spirit or liqueur) because alcohol goes through a purification process of boiling, filtration and fermentation.

So remember:

  • Water = Shit
  • Wine = Health
Never being one to force my opinion on others, you must make up your own mind, is it better to drink wine and talk stupid or drink water and be full of shit?

There is no need to thank me for this valuable information, I'm doing it as a public service!


How To Describe - Mastering Descriptive Writing
To Write A Story - 20 Ways To Write A Story Better
Story Characters - 7 Cool Ways To Jump-Start Your Writing

End of post - Turning water into wine....


Sunday, 25 January 2009

High winds in Jalon

Bedlam post.

Real Costa Blanca - Exploring The Real Spain
Lens Coating - What Everybody Ought To Know
Writing Story Dialogue - 12 Cool Secrets

My courtyard and gazebo - love them. Sitting there, with a lunchtime coffee splashed with brandy, is a pleasure. Chatting with friends during balmy summer evenings - my idea of heaven.

Not any more - gone - zilch - dead.

I'm pissed off.

The weather over here in Spain has been unpredictable of late - the same the world over I know - but when it ruins your own things it makes you realise how things are changing. Wow, did we have wind. Friday and Saturday just blew us away. .

Was it a tornado? It took the roof off the social centre as well - it seemed quite localized, none of my neighbours had the damage we did. The bulding next to the social centre was okay....

Know any builders.....


How To Describe - Mastering Descriptive Writing
To Write A Story - 20 Ways To Write A Story Better
Story Characters - 7 Cool Ways To Jump-Start Your Writing

End of post - High winds in Jalon

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Prince Harry's gaff - My Paki friend...

Bedlam View

Prince Harry

What a load of balls! Paki friend - Racist remarks - rubbish. The latest from the PC element - and those trying to jump on the bandwagon, is to bash Prince Harry.

A statement from St James's Palace said he used the word three years ago as a nickname for a friend and without malice.

Paki friend

The 24-year-old Prince was caught on video using the term about an Asian colleague in the Army. The Prince, who is third in line to the throne, called the soldier "our little Paki friend".


He was a Paki friend - surely it's only a shortened word, like Brit. What about the Aussies calling us, Poms... or the Yanks calling us Limeys. Has the world gone MAD? The only thing likely to come out of it it is to alienate people against having a Paki friend.

What the HELL is wrong! He was a friend - we ALL say daft things to friends - I've had some really strange nicknames - one fella I knew a few years ago was nicknamed 'Sid Snot', another, 'Cockroach', another, 'Red'. These bloody PC people get on my nerves. They're all trying to make something out of nothing - for what? For their OWN benefit. They're all searching for a couple of minutes of fame for themselves - get on the TV, have a photo in the newspapers, a few words on the radio.

The whole thing pisses me off. Most parents would be dead pleased if that was the ONLY thing their kids did wrong. He should be held up to the media as a nice lad. If he was my son, I'd be proud of the way he's turned out. Minor misdemeanour in private company - nothing else. Leave the lad alone.

Get a f***ing life....


How To Describe - Mastering Descriptive Writing
To Write A Story - 20 Ways To Write A Story Better
Story Characters - 7 Cool Ways To Jump-Start Your Writing

End of post - Prince Harry's gaff - My Paki friend...

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

The Three Kings - the Spanish Christmas

Bedlam view

Real Costa Blanca - Exploring The Real Spain
Lens Coating - What Everybody Ought To Know
Writing Story Dialogue - 12 Cool Secrets

I now live in Spain - today (January 6th, the Epipany) is the Spanish 'Christmas', the day when kids have their presents.

I have to admit it does seem to make sense - It's the day the Three Magi presented their gifts to baby Jesus. In fact it makes far more sense than presenting gifts on Christmas day - I wonder howcome that came about???

When December arrives, in Spain and Latin America all the boys and girls start to write their letter to the Three Kings or to their favourite King: Melchor, Gaspar or Baltasar. They write about the things they'd like to receive on the morning of the 6th of January, and also about their behaviour during the year, hoping to present themselves in a good light.

British kids over here are lucky, most seem to have two celebrations, December 25th and Jan 6th .... perhaps not so lucky for the parents...



How To Describe - Mastering Descriptive Writing
To Write A Story - 20 Ways To Write A Story Better
Story Characters - 7 Cool Ways To Jump-Start Your Writing

End of post - The Three Kings - the Spanish Christmas